Change 1583

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Originally Posted : Wed Oct 02 13:47:04 2002
Posted by : Chaitan
Title : people command

Let's try this one out for a trial-period. I don't guarantee
that it will stay in the game so don't get too used to it.

The short story is that this new command for players is a
build-your-own-who-list command.

The long story comes here;

The syntax is: people [flags]

currently the flags are those below...nothing you can't
already see through the commands finger, who and alive(in wars).

-a = Alive = A - 1
-g = Aggro = Y - 1
-G = Gener = Male - 6
-I = Idle = I - 1
-j = Jihad = Atheist - 18
-l = Level = 500 - 5
You can only view player levels under a war.
-n = Name = Chaitan - 10
-o = LastLogin = Wed Oct 2 01:52:52 - 15
-p = Paus = more[##%] - *
-r = Race = Human - 8
-s = Subclass = Pyroma - 6
-T = Title = Right-hand-mouse ow - 60

for example if you type: 'people n' you will get a who-list
with only the names of the players and wizards who are who on.

If you then type 'people n r s' you will see a who-list
with name, race and subclass of all who on wizards and players.

'people n n n n' will show four rows of names...if you think
that is fun :)

By adding a number before the flag you can modify the tab-length.

For example, compare 'people 5n 10o' with 'people 12n 15o'

The people command is of ourse defaulted to certain flags.
'people' = 'people a I g G r 12s 12n l 18j' :)

