Ghants are a strange, alien race of insectoid creatures. Some say they resemble a cross between a spider and a crab; others say they look like a cross between a mantis and cockroach. Either way, they have far too many limbs for comfort. Their hard carapaces are usually black, and are slightly hairy.
Ghants have two limbs which are their primary 'arms', but they also have a few smaller secondary limbs, which they often use to balance larger weapons, to hold on to their targets, or to confuse their foes.
Because of their oddly-shaped bodies, ghants can't wear most normal armour types, including body armour, boots, gloves, helmets, or eyewear. However, with their large number of limbs, they can wear up to four rings.
Ghants' minds are strange to most people, and so psychic attacks tend to do little to them. Their carapaces are proof against many attacks, but tend to be susceptible to crushing blows. Their insectoid metabolism makes them vulnerable to poisons and toxins, and they tend to shrink away from bright lights.
Stat adjustments
Ghants have the following stat adjustments:
Strength -5
Dexterity +10
Intelligence 0
Constitution -5
Damage resistance
Ghants have the following resistance adjustments:
- Fire +20
- Psychic +20
- Slash +20
- Cold -20
- Blunt -20
- Light -20
- Poison -20
Skill adjustments
Ghants have the following skill adjustments:
Positive skill adjustments
Negative skill adjustments
- Backstab -5
- Backstab -5
Ghants gain the bonus skill 'carapace'. Ghants start with first degree Fire for the Wu-Jen mage subclass.
Ghants have the following sight restrictions:
In light, up to -5 to current combat.
Terrain adjustments
Ghants have the following combat adjustments in certain terrains:
Underground +10
Desert +5
Arctic -5
Bridge -5
jungle -5
shore -5
ship -5
swamp -5
underwater -5
water -5