Change 2977
Originally Posted : Wed May 24 12:28:37 2006
Posted by : Razan
Title : re: aggro stealing
Wanted to explain aggro stealing for a second here as I implemented
it last night. If you steal from soemone, you are on their
aggro list - so they canhit you. *BUT* if they didn't SEE
you steal from them (not the same as 'catch') then it's
called a 'QUIET' steal. The thief will see "*QUIET*"
in their aggro log meaning that while they are aggro to that
person, that person doesn't necessarily know it!
If the thief, for instance, starts combat with that person then,
then the QUIET modifier goes away, and it becomes a normal
hostile action. This means that your target will only knw
that you are aggro to them if they see you steal from them.
This also includes when you logout, die, or the timer expires.
If they didn't know about you, they won't suddenly see
"Greshna is no longer aggressive to you." - they'll only
see that if they noticed you steal.
- Razan.