Change 1246
Originally Posted : Sat Apr 27 15:35:23 2002
Posted by : Yoshi
Title : shurikens
Used to be based on the combat skill (which has str and
dex as a base). Shurikens are still based on your combat
skill but with a base of mostly dex and some int (you dont
have to be strong to throw shurikens).
Shurikens used to be resisted by some awarenss and some
combat. This has changed so they are resisted by combat.
A well trained fighter will avoid and take less damage
from shurikens than for example a slow moving mage.
The code is now more simular to other damage skills and
should be much easier for other wizards to read and balance.
The damage is probably rather low at th moment but play
with the current figures and bring me some feedback so we
can balance them after some field testing.