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  • ...sier to view them,<br>you can turn on colors. In particular,<br>colors for areas is tagged as: 'bard', e.g<br><br>color bard BOLD+WHITE<br><br>Color for que
    621 bytes (106 words) - 16:22, 4 July 2022
  • ...spawn<br>in significantly more locations than the previous 4 or 5 main<br>areas. You should see them now in ariston, gladstadt, seralons,<br>dragon island
    601 bytes (110 words) - 18:45, 25 January 2020
  • ...h some of the nastier areas of the game. If you <br>are someone who enjoys areas like Klydiss please drop me a mail. What you <br>would do is create a level
    1 KB (184 words) - 14:48, 22 October 2021
  • ...are not subclassed will have the sword skill. We<br>are setting up newbie areas to allow folks to explore a bit<br>prior to selecting a sub. Hence fighters
    317 bytes (54 words) - 18:57, 25 January 2020
  • ...list<br><br>Ancient bard suddenly remembered some of the before forgotten areas!<br>If he messed up something (after all, he is ancient), let me know. Than
    297 bytes (48 words) - 19:01, 25 January 2020
  • access the lizardcaves and dante's nightclub.<br>If you know of similar areas that you want me to look at or think that <br>these changes ruin the theme/
    353 bytes (63 words) - 19:07, 25 January 2020
  • ...el to somewhat <br>account for the fact its a little harder to get between areas that have <br>plenty of xp bearing mobs.<br> ```<br><br>[[Category:Changes_
    968 bytes (158 words) - 22:55, 25 October 2024